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Must Do List ( Task Scheduler Application )



public class EditCommandTest extends TaskSchedulerGuiTest {

    public void edit() {

        int indexToEdit = 1;
        edit_name_success(indexToEdit, "change name");

        edit_address_success(indexToEdit, "a changed location");

        edit_period_success(indexToEdit, "05-Oct-2016", "15-Nov-2016");


    private void edit_noIndex_success(int prevIndex) {
        //edit name without index
        String changedName = "new name";
        commandBox.runCommand("edit " + changedName);
        assertEquals(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(prevIndex - 1).getFullName(), changedName);

        //edit end date without index
        String deadline = "25-Oct-2016, Tue";
        commandBox.runCommand("edit by " + deadline);
        assertEquals(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(prevIndex - 1).getEndDate(), deadline);
    private void edit_period_success(int indexToEdit, String changedStartDate, String changedEndDate) {
        //edit the date
        commandBox.runCommand("edit " + indexToEdit + " from " + changedStartDate + " to " + changedEndDate);
        //confirm the editted card contains the right data
        assertTrue(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(indexToEdit - 1).getStartDate().contains(changedStartDate));
        assertTrue(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(indexToEdit - 1).getEndDate().contains(changedEndDate));

    private void edit_address_success(int indexToEdit, String changedAddress) {
        //edit the address
        commandBox.runCommand("edit " + indexToEdit + " at " + changedAddress);
        //confirm the editted card contains the right data
        assertEquals(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(indexToEdit - 1).getLocation(), changedAddress);

    private void edit_name_success(int indexToEdit, String changedName) {
        //edit the name
        commandBox.runCommand("edit " + indexToEdit + " " + changedName);
        //confirm the editted card contains the right data
        assertEquals(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(indexToEdit - 1).getFullName(), changedName);
    public void pressUp() {

    public void pressDown() {

    protected Paint getPaintFromShape(String fieldId, Node parentNode) {
        return ((Shape) guiRobot.from(parentNode).lookup(fieldId).tryQuery().get()).getFill();

    protected Paint getPaintFromShape(String fieldId) {
        return getPaintFromShape(fieldId, node);
    public Paint getPaintFromShape() {
        return getPaintFromShape(CARDPANE_SHAPE_ID);
    public String getStartDate() {
        return getTextFromLabel(START_DATE_FIELD_ID).replace("Start Date: ", "");

    public String getEndDate() {
        return getTextFromLabel(END_DATE_FIELD_ID).replace("Due Date: ", "");
     * Returns true if the list is showing all the task details correctly and in no order.
     * @param tasks A list of task.
    public boolean listContainsAll(ReadOnlyTask... tasks) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        ArrayList<ReadOnlyTask> list = new ArrayList<ReadOnlyTask>(Arrays.asList(tasks));
        for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
            final int scrollTo = i;
            guiRobot.interact(() -> getListView().scrollTo(scrollTo));
            for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
                if (TestUtil.compareCardAndTask(getTaskCardHandle(scrollTo), list.get(j))) {
        return list.size() == 0;
     * Runs the mark command to mark the task at specified index as completed and confirms the result is correct.
     * @param targetIndexOneIndexed e.g. to mark the first task in the list, 1 should be given as the target index.
     * @param currentList A copy of the current list of tasks (before deletion).
    public void assertMarkSuccess(int targetIndexOneIndexed, final TestTask[] currentList) {
        TestTask taskToMark = currentList[targetIndexOneIndexed-1]; //-1 because array uses zero indexing
        commandBox.runCommand("mark " + targetIndexOneIndexed);
        //confirm the task card is now marked completed.
        assertTrue(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(targetIndexOneIndexed - 1).getPaintFromShape()
        assertFalse(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(targetIndexOneIndexed - 1).getPaintFromShape()
        //confirm the result message is correct
        assertResultMessage(String.format(MarkCommand.MESSAGE_MARK_TASK_SUCCESS, taskToMark));

public class RecurCommandTest extends TaskSchedulerGuiTest {

    public void add() {
        //invalid recur task
        commandBox.runCommand("recur every 3 days until next week");
        //add one task
        TestTask[] currentList = td.getTypicalTasks();
        //recur without index
        recur_withoutIndex_success(currentList, "recur every 3 days until next week", td.event);        
        //assert undo works for recur command
        currentList = undo_recurCommand_success();        

        //recur with index

    private void recur_withIndex_success(TestTask[] currentList) {
        long dateInterval;
        long dateLimit;
        dateInterval = 3 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; // 3 days
        commandBox.runCommand("recur 1 every 3 days until next week");
        Date dateNow = new Date();
        Date taskDate = td.alice.getEndDate().getDate();
        dateLimit = dateNow.getTime() - taskDate.getTime() + 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000l; // 1 week later
        currentList = generateExpectedList(td.alice, currentList, dateInterval, dateLimit);

    private TestTask[] undo_recurCommand_success() {
        TestTask[] currentList;
        currentList = td.getTypicalTasks();
        currentList = TestUtil.addTasksToList(currentList, td.event);
        return currentList;

    private void recur_withoutIndex_success(TestTask[] currentList, String string, TestTask task) {
        long dateInterval = 3 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; // 3 days
        long dateLimit = 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; // 1 week

        currentList = TestUtil.addTasksToList(currentList, task);
        currentList = generateExpectedList(task, currentList, dateInterval, dateLimit);

    private TestTask[] generateExpectedList(TestTask task, TestTask[] currentList, long dateInterval, long dateLimit) {
        for (long i = dateInterval; i <= dateLimit; i += dateInterval) {
            TestTask taskToAdd = task.copy();
            currentList = TestUtil.addTasksToList(currentList, taskToAdd);
        return currentList;

public class ReplaceCommandTest extends TaskSchedulerGuiTest {

    public void replace() {
        TestTask[] currentList = td.getTypicalTasks();
        //invalid command
        //replace with a deadline task
        currentList = replace_deadlineTask_success(currentList, 2, td.deadline);

        //replace with a floating task
        currentList = replace_floatingTask_success(currentList, currentList.length, td.floating);
        //replace with overdue task
        currentList = replace_overdueTask_success(currentList, 1, td.overdue);

        //replace with an event task
        currentList = replace_eventTask_success(currentList, 1, td.event);
        //replace with a duplicate task
        replace_duplicateTask_messageDuplicateError(currentList, 5, td.event);

        //replace in empty list
        replace_emptyList_messageInvalidIndex(5, td.event);


    private void replace_emptyList_messageInvalidIndex(int indexToReplace, TestTask taskToCopy) {
        commandBox.runCommand("replace " + indexToReplace + " " + taskToCopy.getTaskString());

    private void replace_duplicateTask_messageDuplicateError(TestTask[] currentList, int indexToReplace, TestTask taskToCopy) {
        commandBox.runCommand("replace " + indexToReplace + " " + taskToCopy.getTaskString());

    private TestTask[] replace_eventTask_success(TestTask[] currentList, int indexToReplace, TestTask taskToCopy) {
        taskToCopy.setStartDate(currentList[indexToReplace - 1].getStartDate());
        currentList = replace_floatingTask_success(currentList, indexToReplace, taskToCopy);
        return currentList;

    private TestTask[] replace_overdueTask_success(TestTask[] currentList, int indexToReplace, TestTask taskToCopy) {
        assertReplaceSuccess(indexToReplace, taskToCopy, currentList);        
        //assert that overdue task is red
        assertTrue(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(indexToReplace - 1).getPaintFromShape().equals(TaskCard.OVERDUE_INDICATION));
        assertFalse(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(indexToReplace - 1).getPaintFromShape().equals(TaskCard.COMPLETED_INDICATION));
        currentList[indexToReplace - 1] = taskToCopy;
        currentList = TestUtil.addTasksToList(currentList);
        return currentList;

    private TestTask[] replace_floatingTask_success(TestTask[] currentList, int indexToReplace, TestTask taskToCopy) {
        assertReplaceSuccess(indexToReplace, taskToCopy, currentList);
        currentList[indexToReplace - 1] = taskToCopy;
        currentList = TestUtil.addTasksToList(currentList);
        return currentList;

    private TestTask[] replace_deadlineTask_success(TestTask[] currentList, int indexToReplace, TestTask taskToCopy) {
        taskToCopy.setEndDate(currentList[indexToReplace - 1].getEndDate());
        currentList = replace_floatingTask_success(currentList, indexToReplace, taskToCopy);
        return currentList;

    private void replace_invalidCommand_messageTaskNotFound() {
        commandBox.runCommand("replace eee " + td.ida.getTaskString());

    private void assertReplaceSuccess(int indexToReplace, TestTask taskToCopy, TestTask... currentList) {
        commandBox.runCommand("replace " + indexToReplace + " " + taskToCopy.getTaskString());

        //confirm the replaced card contains the right data
        TaskCardHandle replacedCard = taskListPanel.navigateToTask(indexToReplace - 1);
        assertMatching(taskToCopy, replacedCard);

        //confirm the list now contains all previous tasks with the replaced task
        TestTask[] expectedList = TestUtil.addTasksToList(currentList);
        expectedList[indexToReplace - 1] = taskToCopy;

public class TagCommandTest extends TaskSchedulerGuiTest {

    public void tag() {

        String singleTagArg = "Priority";
        String multiTagsArg = "School Urgent";
        TestTask[] currentList = td.getTypicalTasks();
        int targetIndex = 1;
        //put a single tag
        assertTagSuccess(targetIndex, singleTagArg, currentList);

        //replace with multiple tags
        assertTagSuccess(targetIndex, multiTagsArg, currentList);

        //invalid index

        undo_tagCommand_success(currentList, targetIndex, singleTagArg);

    private void tag_indexOutOfBound_messageInvalidIndex(TestTask[] currentList) {
        commandBox.runCommand("tag " + currentList.length + 1);

    private void undo_tagCommand_success(TestTask[] currentList, int targetIndexOneIndexed, String tagArgs) {
        ReadOnlyTask task = taskListPanel.getTask(targetIndexOneIndexed - 1);
        assertTrue(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(targetIndexOneIndexed - 1).getTags()

        assertResultMessage(String.format(Command.MESSAGE_REVERT_COMMAND, TagCommand.COMMAND_WORD, "\n" + task));

     * Runs the tag command to rag the task at specified index and confirms the result is correct.
     * @param targetIndexOneIndexed e.g. to tag the first task in the list, 1 should be given as the target index.
     * @param currentList A copy of the current list of tasks.
    private void assertTagSuccess(int targetIndexOneIndexed, String tagArgs, final TestTask[] currentList) {
        TestTask taskToTag = currentList[targetIndexOneIndexed-1]; //-1 because array uses zero indexing

        commandBox.runCommand("tag " + targetIndexOneIndexed + " " + tagArgs);
        assertTrue(taskListPanel.navigateToTask(targetIndexOneIndexed - 1).getTags()

        //confirm the result message is correct
        assertResultMessage(String.format(MESSAGE_SUCCESS, taskToTag));
     * Convert tags param string to task card display string
     * @param tagArgs tags string that use in tag command
     * @return tags string in task card display
    private String convertArgsToTagString(String tagArgs) {
        final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        final String separator = ", ";
        for (String tag : tagArgs.split("\\s+")) {
            buffer.append("[" + tag + "]").append(separator);
        if (buffer.length() == 0) {
            return "";
        } else {
            return buffer.substring(0, buffer.length() - separator.length());


 * A mutable person object. For testing only.
public class TestTask implements ReadOnlyTask {

    private Name name;
    private Location address;
    private TaskDateTime startDateTime;
    private TaskDateTime endDateTime;
    private UniqueTagList tags;
    private boolean completeStatus;
    private TaskType type;

    public TestTask() {
        tags = new UniqueTagList();
    public TestTask(Name name, TaskDateTime startDateTime, TaskDateTime endDateTime, Location address, UniqueTagList tags) {
        assert !CollectionUtil.isAnyNull(name, startDateTime, endDateTime, address, tags); = name;
        this.startDateTime = new TaskDateTime(startDateTime);
        this.endDateTime = new TaskDateTime(endDateTime);
        this.address = address;
        this.tags = new UniqueTagList(tags);
        this.completeStatus = false;
    public TestTask(ReadOnlyTask source) {
        this(source.getName(), source.getStartDate(), source.getEndDate(), source.getLocation(), source.getTags());
    public void setName(Name name) { = name;

    public void setAddress(Location address) {
        this.address = address;

    public void setStartDate(TaskDateTime date) {
        this.startDateTime = date;
    public void setEndDate(TaskDateTime date) {
        this.endDateTime = date;

    public Name getName() {
        return name;

    public TaskDateTime getStartDate() {
        return startDateTime;

    public TaskDateTime getEndDate() {
        return endDateTime;

    public Location getLocation() {
        return address;
    public UniqueTagList getTags() {
        return tags;

    public String toString() {
        return getAsText();

    public String getAddCommand() {
        return "add " + getTaskString();
    public String getTaskString() {
        if (this.getType() == TaskType.FLOATING) {
            return getFloatingString();
        } else if (this.getType() == TaskType.DEADLINE) {
            return getDeadlineString();
        } else {
            return getEventString();
    private String getFloatingString() {
        return " " + this.getName().fullName;
    private String getDeadlineString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append(" " + this.getName().fullName + " ");
        sb.append("by " + this.getEndDate());       
        return sb.toString();

    private String getEventString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append(" " + this.getName().fullName + " ");
        sb.append("from " + this.getStartDate() + " ");
        sb.append("to " + this.getEndDate() + " ");
        sb.append("at" + " " + this.getLocation().value);
        return sb.toString();

    public void addDuration(long duration) {
        if (startDateTime.getDate() != null)
            this.startDateTime.setDate(startDateTime.getDate().getTime() + duration + 1);
        if (endDateTime.getDate() != null)
            this.endDateTime.setDate(endDateTime.getDate().getTime() + duration + 1);
    public TestTask copy() {
        return new TestTask(this);
    public boolean hasCompleted() {
        return completeStatus;
    public TaskType getType() {
        return type;

    public void setType(TaskType type) {
        this.type = type;
    public boolean isOverdue() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return false;

public class TypicalTestTasks {

    public static TestTask alice, benson, carl, daniel, elle, fiona, george, event, ida, overdue, floating, deadline;

    public TypicalTestTasks() {
        try {
            alice =  new TaskBuilder().withName("Career Fair").withAddress("NUS COM1")
                    .withStartDate("07 Oct 2016").withEndDate("11 Oct 2016").withType("EVENT").build();
            benson = new TaskBuilder().withName("Groupwork Project").withAddress("")
                    .withStartDate("").withEndDate("14 Oct 2016 at 8 am").withType("DEADLINE").withTags("Deadline").build(); // deadline task
            carl = new TaskBuilder().withName("Project Discussion").withAddress("Technoedge")
                    .withStartDate("14 Oct 2016 at 1 pm").withEndDate("21 Oct 2016").withType("EVENT").withTags("Event").build();
            daniel = new TaskBuilder().withName("Groupwork Discussion").withAddress("ICube Lecture Hall")
                    .withStartDate("01 Jan 2018").withEndDate("31 Dec 2018").withType("EVENT").withTags("Event").build();
            elle = new TaskBuilder().withName("CS2103 Lecture").withAddress("ICube Lecture Hall")
                    .withStartDate("01 Jan 2018").withEndDate("31 Dec 2018").withType("EVENT").withTags("Event").build();
            fiona = new TaskBuilder().withName("Send kid to NUS").withAddress("NUS")
                    .withStartDate("01 Jan 2034").withEndDate("01 Apri 2038").withType("EVENT").withTags("Event").build();
            george = new TaskBuilder().withName("Project Briefing").withAddress("")
                    .withStartDate("").withEndDate("").withType("FLOATING").withTags().build(); // floating task
            //Manually added
            ida = new TaskBuilder().withName("University Graduation").withAddress("University Cultural Centre")
                    .withStartDate("7 July 2016").withEndDate("15 July 2016").withType("EVENT").build();
            overdue = new TaskBuilder().withName("Overdue Task Colour Test").withAddress("At ICube Lecture Hall")
                    .withStartDate("10 years ago").withEndDate("10 years ago").withType("EVENT").build();
            event = new TaskBuilder().withName("Wildlife Photoshoot").withAddress("Wildlife Reserves")
                    .withStartDate("yesterday").withEndDate("today").withType("EVENT").build(); // event task
            floating = new TaskBuilder().withName("Floating Task").withAddress("")
                    .withStartDate("").withEndDate("").withType("FLOATING").withTags().build(); // floating task
            deadline = new TaskBuilder().withName("Deadline Task").withAddress("")
                    .withStartDate("").withEndDate("tomorrow").withType("DEADLINE").withTags("Deadline").build(); // deadline task

        } catch (IllegalValueException e) {
            assert false : "not possible";

    public static void loadTaskSchedulerWithSampleData(TaskScheduler ab) {

        try {
            ab.addTask(new EventTask(alice));
            ab.addTask(new DeadlineTask(benson));
            ab.addTask(new Task(carl));
            ab.addTask(new FloatingTask(daniel));
            ab.addTask(new Task(elle));
            ab.addTask(new Task(fiona));
            ab.addTask(new Task(george));
        } catch (UniqueTaskList.DuplicateTaskException e) {
            assert false : "not possible";

    public TestTask[] getTypicalTasks() {
        return new TestTask[] {alice, benson, carl, daniel, elle, fiona, george};

    public TaskScheduler getTypicalTaskScheduler(){
        TaskScheduler ab = new TaskScheduler();
        return ab;