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Must Do List ( Task Scheduler Application )



 * Indicates a request to change command box text
public class CommandBoxTextChangeRequestEvent extends BaseEvent {

    public final String text;

    public CommandBoxTextChangeRequestEvent(String text) {
        this.text = text;
    public String toString() {
        return this.getClass().getSimpleName();


 * Utility methods for Task

public final class TaskUtil {

	public static String convertToTaskString(ReadOnlyTask task) {
		if (task.getType() == TaskType.FLOATING) {
			return getFloatingTaskString(task);
		} else if (task.getType() == TaskType.DEADLINE) {
			return getDeadlineTaskString(task);
		} else {
			return getEventTaskString(task);
	private static String getFloatingTaskString(ReadOnlyTask task) {
		return "add " + task.getName();
	private static String getDeadlineTaskString(ReadOnlyTask task) {
		return "add " + task.getName() + " by " + task.getEndDate();
	private static String getEventTaskString(ReadOnlyTask task) {
		return "add " + task.getName() + " from " + task.getStartDate()
			+ " to " + task.getEndDate() + " at " + task.getLocation();
 * Keep track of commands and modifications to task scheduler.
public class CommandHistory {
	private static final int EMPTY_VALUE = 0;
	private static final int FIRST_VALUE = 1;
	private static Stack<String> prevCommand = new Stack<String>();
	private static Stack<String> nextCommand = new Stack<String>();
	private static Stack<Command> executedCommands = new Stack<Command>();
    private static Stack<Command> revertedCommands = new Stack<Command>();
	private static ReadOnlyTask lastModifiedTask = null;
    private static Set<String> filteredKeywords = null;
    private static Stack<String> previousStorageFilePath = new Stack<String>();
    private static String initStoragePath;
	public static void addPrevCommand(String commandText) {
		while (!nextCommand.isEmpty()) {
	public static void addNextCommand(String commandText) {
	public static String getPrevCommand() {
		String result = "";
		if (prevCommand.size() > EMPTY_VALUE) {
			if (prevCommand.size() == FIRST_VALUE) {
				result = prevCommand.peek();
			} else {
				result = prevCommand.pop();
		return result;

	public static String getNextCommand() {
		String result = "";
		if (!nextCommand.isEmpty()) {
			result = nextCommand.pop();
		return result;

	public static void addExecutedCommand(Command command) {
    public static void addRevertedCommand(Command command) {
	public static Command getExecutedCommand() throws EmptyStackException{
		if (executedCommands.size() > EMPTY_VALUE) {
			return executedCommands.pop();
		} else {
			throw new EmptyStackException();

    public static Command getRevertedCommand() throws EmptyStackException{
        if (revertedCommands.size() > EMPTY_VALUE) {
            return revertedCommands.pop();
        } else {
            throw new EmptyStackException();
	public static void flushExecutedCommands() {
    public static void flushRevertedCommands() {
    public static void flushPrevCommands() {
    public static void flushNextCommands() {
	public static void setModifiedTask(ReadOnlyTask task) {
	    lastModifiedTask = task;
    public static void resetModifiedTask() {
        lastModifiedTask = null;
    public static ReadOnlyTask getModifiedTask() throws TaskNotFoundException {
        if (lastModifiedTask == null) {
            throw new TaskNotFoundException(Messages.MESSAGE_PREV_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
        } else {
            return lastModifiedTask;
    public static Set<String> getFilteredKeyWords() {
        return filteredKeywords;
    public static void setFilteredKeyWords(Set<String> keywords) {
        filteredKeywords = keywords;

    public static void resetFilteredKeyWords() {
        filteredKeywords = null;
    public static void resetAll() {
 * Selects a task display the index's command.
public class SelectCommand extends Command {

    public final int targetIndex;

    public static final String COMMAND_WORD = "select";

    public static final String MESSAGE_USAGE = COMMAND_WORD
            + ": Selects the task display the index's command.\n"
            + "Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive integer)\n"
            + "Example: " + COMMAND_WORD + " 1";

    public static final String MESSAGE_SELECT_TASK_SUCCESS = "Selected Task: %1$s";

    public SelectCommand(int targetIndex) {
        this.targetIndex = targetIndex;

    public CommandResult execute() {

        UnmodifiableObservableList<ReadOnlyTask> lastShownList = model.getFilteredTaskList();

        if (lastShownList.size() < targetIndex) {
            return new CommandResult(Messages.MESSAGE_INVALID_TASK_DISPLAYED_INDEX);
        EventsCenter.getInstance().post(new JumpToListRequestEvent(targetIndex - 1));
        EventsCenter.getInstance().post(new CommandBoxTextChangeRequestEvent(
        		TaskUtil.convertToTaskString(lastShownList.get(targetIndex - 1))));
        CommandHistory.setModifiedTask(lastShownList.get(targetIndex - 1));
        return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_SELECT_TASK_SUCCESS, targetIndex));


 * Undo a previous command in the task scheduler.

public class UndoCommand extends Command{
	public static final String COMMAND_WORD = "undo";

	public static final String MESSAGE_FAILURE = "There is no previous command to undo!";
	public CommandResult execute() {
    	assert model != null;
    	try {
            return CommandHistory.getExecutedCommand().revert();
    	} catch (EmptyStackException e) {
    	    return new CommandResult(MESSAGE_FAILURE);

    public CommandResult revert() {
        // This command not available for revert
        assert false : Messages.MESSAGE_PROGRAM_ERROR;
        return null;

* Parses setpath command user input.
public class UndoCommandParser extends CommandParser {

    public Command prepareCommand(String args) {
        return new UndoCommand();

	/** Inserts the newTask into the given position */
	void insertTask(int index, Task newTask) throws TaskNotFoundException;

    public void insertTask(int index, Task newTask) 
            throws TaskNotFoundException {
        taskScheduler.insertTask(index, newTask);
     * Inserts a task into another task's position in the list.
     * @throws TaskNotFoundException
    public void insert(int index, Task newTask) throws TaskNotFoundException {
        assert newTask != null;
        assert index > FIRST_INDEX;
        internalList.add(index-1, newTask);
     * Inserts a task into another task's position in the task scheduler
     * Also checks the new task's tags and updates {@link #tags} with any new tags found,
     * and updates the Tag objects in the task to point to those in {@link #tags}.
     * @throws UniqueTaskList.DuplicateTaskException if an equivalent task already exists.
    public void insertTask(int index, Task newTask) 
            throws UniqueTaskList.TaskNotFoundException {
        tasks.insert(index, newTask);
    private void handleKeyPressedEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) {
    	if (keyEvent.getCode() == KeyCode.DOWN) {
    	} else if (keyEvent.getCode() == KeyCode.UP) {
     * Sets the command box text 
    public void setCommandText(String text) {
    public CommandBox getCommandBox() {
        return commandBox;
    private void handleCommandBoxTextChangeRequestEvent(CommandBoxTextChangeRequestEvent event) {;

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