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Must Do List ( Task Scheduler Application )



# User Guide

* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [UI Quick Guide](#ui-quick-guide)
* [Features](#features)
 * [Help](#getting-help--help)
 * [Add](#how-to-add-a-task--add)
 * [List](#how-to-list-tasks--list)
 * [Find](#how-to-find-a-task--find)
 * [Delete](#how-to-delete-a-task--delete)
 * [Clear](#how-to-clear-all-entries--clear)
 * [Edit](#how-to-edit-a-task--edit)
 * [Replace](#how-to-replace-a-task--replace)
 * [Undo](#how-to-undo-a-task--undo)
 * [Mark](#how-to-mark-a-task--mark)
 * [Unmark](#how-to-unmark-a-task--ummark)
 * [Recur](#how-to-recur-a-task--recur)
 * [Setpath](#how-to-set-a-storage-path--setpath)
 * [Select](#how-to-select-a-task--select)
 * [Tag](#how-to-tag-a-task--tag)
 * [Exit](#how-to-exit-the-program--exit)
 * [Reuse Previous Entered Commands](#how-to-reuse-all-previous-entered-commands)
 * [Identify task](#how-to-identify-overdue-and-completed-task)
 * [Export](#how-to-export-data--export)
 * [Import](#how-to-import-data--import)
 * [Save](#how-to-save-the-data)
* [FAQ](#faq)
* [Command Summary](#command-summary)

## Getting Started

0. Ensure you have Java version `1.8.0_60` or later installed in your Computer.<br>
   > Having any Java 8 version is not enough.<br>
   This app will not work with earlier versions of Java 8.
1. Download the latest `MustDoList.jar` from the 'releases' tab.
2. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your MustDoList.
3. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds. 
   > <img src="images/Ui.png" width="600">

4. Type the command in the command box and press <kbd>Enter</kbd> to execute it. <br>
   e.g. typing **`help`** and pressing <kbd>Enter</kbd> will open the help window. 
5. Some example commands you can try:
   * **`list`** : lists all task
   * **`add`**`CS2103 Tutorial from 8am today to 9am tomorrow at NUS COM1-B103` : 
     adds a task named `CS2103 Tutorial` to the MustDoList.
   * **`delete`**` 1` : deletes the 1st task shown in the current list
   * **`exit`** : exits the app
6. Refer to the [Features](#features) section below for details of each command.<br>

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## UI Quick Guide

<img src="images/ui-taglist.png" width="400"><br>
<img src="images/ui-pendinglist.png" width="400"><br>
<img src="images/ui-statistics.png" width="400"><br>
<img src="images/ui-tasklist.png" width="400"><br>
<img src="images/ui-commandbox.png" width="400"><br>
<img src="images/ui-resultdisplay.png" width="400"><br>
<img src="images/ui-status.png" width="400"><br>

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## Features

> Command Format
* Words in `UPPER_CASE` are the parameters.<br>
* Items in `SQUARE_BRACKETS` are optional.<br>
* Items in `...` after them can have multiple instances.<br>
* Parameters can be in any order.<br>

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#### Getting help : `help`
The `help` command provides the user guide to guide the user through the application.

Help format: `help`

> Help is also shown if you click on help on the menu bar.

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#### How to add a task : `add`
The `add` command allows you to create a floating task, task or an event into the MustDoList.<br>

Floating task format: **`add`**`FLOATING TASK_NAME`<br>
Deadline task format: **`add`**`TASK NAME by END_TIME END_DATE`<br>
Event format		: **`add`**`EVENT NAME from START_TIME_DATE to END_TIME_DATE at LOCATION`<br>

> The command format requires the following date and time format.<br>
> Date Format: DD-MMM-YYYY<br> 
where `DD` refers to the day, `MMM` refers to the first 3 letters of the month and `YYYY` refers to the year.<br>
> Time Format: HH:MM am/pm<br>
where `HH` refers to hours and `MM` refers to minutes.<br> 

* **`add`**`Do CS2103 Pretut`<br>
	Adding a floating task.
* **`add`**`Do CS2103 Pretut by 8am 01-Oct-2016`<br>
	Adding a task.
* **`add`**`CS2103 Tutorial from 8am today to 9am tomorrow at NUS COM1-B103`<br>
	Adding an event.	

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#### How to list tasks : `list`
The `list` command allows you to show a list of all the tasks that are present in the MustDoList.<br>

List format: `list`

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#### How to find a task : `find`
The `find` command allows you to find existing tasks in the MustDoList by keywords.<br>

Find format: **`find`**`KEYWORD`

> The KEYWORD in the command format refers to parameters that you want to search for. Some examples of KEYWORD are task name, location, date, time, event, deadline, floating, completed, overdue and pending tasks.<br> 
> The command format requires the following date and time format.<br>
> Date Format: DD-MMM-YYYY<br>
where `DD` refers to the day, `MMM` refers to the first 3 letters of the month and `YYYY` refers to the year.<br>
> Time Format: HH:MM am/pm<br>
where `HH` refers to hours and `MM` refers to minutes.<br> 

* **`find`**`CS2103`<br>
  Returns Any task(s) having names `CS2103`
* **`find`**`09-Oct-2016`<br>
  Returns Any task(s) with date 09-Oct-2016
* **`find`**`completed`<br>
  Returns Any task(s) are marked as completed<br>

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#### How to delete a task : `delete`
The `delete` command allows you to delete any existing task from the MustDoList by index. <br>

Delete format: **`delete`**`[INDEX]`

> The Index in the command format refers to the index number shown in the most recent listing.<br>
> Index is optional provided that there is previous modified task.<br>

* `list`<br>
  Deletes the 2nd task in the MustDoList.

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#### How to clear all entries : `clear`
The `clear` command allows you to clear all entries present in the MustDoList.<br>

Clear format: `clear`  

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#### How to edit a task : `edit`
The `edit` command allows you to edit a specific task's parameter from the MustDoList by the task's index.<br>

Edit format: **`edit`**`[INDEX] [TASK_NAME][from START_TIME_DATE to END_TIME_DATE][at LOCATION]`

* **`edit`**`1 Must Do CS2103 Pretut`<br>
  Edit the 1st task's task name in the MustDoList.<br>
* **`edit`**`2 at NUS COM1-B103` <br>
  Edit the 2nd task's location in the MustDoList.<br>
* **`edit`**`1 from 8am 11-Oct-2016 to 9am 11-Oct-2016`<br>
  Edit the 1st task's time and date in the MustDoList.<br>
> The command format requires the following date and time format.<br>
> Date Format: DD-MMM-YYYY<br>
where `DD` refers to the day, `MMM` refers to the first 3 letters of the month and `YYYY` refers to the year.<br>
> Time Format: HH:MM am/pm<br>
where `HH` refers to hours and `MM` refers to minutes.<br> 
> The Index in the command format refers to the index number shown in the most recent listing.<br>
> Index is optional provided that there is previous modified task.<br>

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#### How to replace a task : `replace`
The `replace` command allows you to replace the entire task's parameter from the MustDoList by task's index.<br>

Replace format: **`replace`**`[INDEX] TASK_NAME from START_TIME_DATE to END_TIME_DATE at LOCATION`

* `list`<br>
  **`replace`**`2 new task name from 8am 10-Oct-2016 to 9am 10-Oct-2016 at NUS`<br>
  Replace the 2nd task's parameters in the MustDoList.<br>
* **`find`**`CS2103` <br>
  **`replace`**`1 another new task name from 8am 11-Oct-2016 to 9 am 11-Oct-2016 at there `<br>
  Replace the 1st task's parameters in the results of the `find` command.<br>
> The command format requires the following date and time format.<br>
> Date Format: DD-MMM-YYYY<br>
where `DD` refers to the day, `MMM` refers to the first 3 letters of the month and `YYYY` refers to the year.<br>
> Time Format: HH:MM am/pm<br>
where `HH` refers to hours and `MM` refers to minutes.<br> 
> The Index in the command format refers to the index number shown in the most recent listing.<br>
> Index is optional provided that there is previous modified task.<br>

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#### How to undo a task : `undo`
The `undo` command allows you to undo the previous entered commands into the MustdoList.<br>

Undo format: `undo`

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#### How to mark a task : `mark`
The `mark` command allows you to mark a completed task by the task's index.<br>

Mark format: **`mark`**`[INDEX]`

> The INDEX in the command format refers to the index number shown in the most recent listing.<br>
> Index is optional provided that there is previous modified task.<br>

* `list`<br>
  Marks the 2nd task in the MustDoList as completed.
* **`find`**`CS2103`<br> 
  Marks the 1st task in the results of the `find` command as completed.  
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#### How to unmark a task : `unmark`
The `unmark` command allows you to unmark a task by the task's index.<br>

Unmark format: **`unmark`**`[INDEX]`

> The INDEX in the command format refers to the index number shown in the most recent listing.<br>
> Index is optional provided that there is previous modified task.<br>

* `list`<br>
  Unmarks the 2nd task in the MustDoList as completed.
* **`find`**`CS2103`<br> 
  Unmarks the 1st task in the results of the `find` command as completed. 
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#### How to recur a task : `recur`
The `recur` command allows you to recur a task for a specific numbers of days.<br>

Recur index format: **`recur`**`[INDEX] every INTERVAL until END_DATE`<br>

> The INTERVAL in the command format refers to the number of days you want to recur.<br> 
> The INDEX in the command format refers to the index number shown in the most recent listing.<br>
> Index is optional provided that there is previous modified task.<br>
> The command format requires the following date format.<br>
> Date Format: DD-MMM-YYYY<br>
where `DD` refers to the day, `MMM` refers to the first 3 letters of the month and `YYYY` refers to the year.<br>

* **`recur`**`every 2 days until 19-Oct-2016`<br>
  Recur the latest task for 2 days until 19-Oct-2016 in the MustDoList.
* **`recur`**`1 every 2 months until 1 year later`<br>
  Recur the task with index 1 for 2 months until 1 year from current date in the MustDoList.

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#### How to set a storage path : `setpath`
The `setpath` command allows you to save your file to your desire set path.<br>

Set path format: **`setpath`**`FILENAME`<br>

> The FILENAME in the command format refers to the path that you want to save your file to.<br>

* **`setpath`**`taskData.xml`<br>
  Filename taskData.xml will be created at default location data/taskData.xml.<br>
* **`setpath`**`backup/taskData.xml`<br>
  Filename taskData.xml will be created at location data/backup/taskData.xml.<br>
* **`setpath`**`c:/user/<name>/desktop/taskData.xml`<br>
  Filename taskData.xml will be created at user desktop.<br>

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#### How to select a task : `select`
The `select` command allows you to display any existing task's command from the MustDoList by index. <br>

Select format: **`select`**`INDEX`

> The Index in the command format refers to the index number shown in the most recent listing.<br>
> Index is optional provided that there is previous modified task.<br>

* `list`<br>
  Select the 2nd task in the MustDoList to display the command.
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#### How to tag a task : `tag`
The `tag` command allows you to tag any existing task with tags. <br>

Tag format: **`tag`**`[INDEX] TAG_NAME...`

> The Index in the command format refers to the index number shown in the most recent listing.<br>
> Index is optional provided that there is previous modified task.<br>

* `list`<br>
  **`tag`**`2 school`<br>
  Tag the 2nd task in the MustDoList with the tag [school]
  **`tag`**`1 school project priority`<br>
  Tag the 1st task in the MustDoList with the tags [school], [project], [priority]
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#### How to exit the program : `exit`
The `exit` command allows you to exits the program.<br>

Exit format: `exit` 

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#### How to reuse all previous entered commands
The <kbd>Up</kbd> <kbd>Down</kbd> allows you to select and display previous typed command in the command box.<br>

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#### How to identify overdue and completed task
Overdue and completed tasks can be identified by the color codes.<br>

Overdue Task: Red Color Code<br>
Completed Task: Green Color Code<br>

> Overdue Task refers to task that has date and time that passes the current date and time.<br>
Completed Task refers to task that are marked as "completed".

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#### How to export data : `export`
The `export` command allows you to export the MustDoList's data to your desire path.<br>

Export format: **`export`**`FILENAME`<br>

> The FILENAME in the command format refers to the path that you want to export your file to.<br>

* **`export`**`taskData.xml`<br>
  Filename taskData.xml will be exported to default location data/taskData.xml.<br>
* **`export`**`backup/taskData.xml`<br>
  Filename taskData.xml will be exported to location data/backup/taskData.xml.<br>
* **`export`**`c:/user/<name>/desktop/taskData.xml`<br>
  Filename taskData.xml will be exported to user desktop.<br>

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#### How to import data : `import`
The `import` command allows you to import MustDoList's data from your specific data's path.<br>

Set path format: **`import`**`FILENAME`<br>

> The FILENAME in the command format refers to the path that you want to save your file to.<br>

* **`import`**`taskData.xml`<br>
  Filename taskData.xml will be imported at default location data/taskData.xml.<br>
* **`import`**`backup/taskData.xml`<br>
  Filename taskData.xml will be imported at location data/backup/taskData.xml.<br>
* **`import`**`c:/user/<name>/desktop/taskData.xml`<br>
  Filename taskData.xml will be imported at user desktop.<br>

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#### How to save the data 
MustDoList data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.<br>
There is no need to save manually.

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## FAQ

**Q**: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?<br>
**A**: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous MustDoList.

**Q**: Why does result display shows old task details?
**A**: As new task details are highlighted and display in the task list panel itself, user can easily make the comparison between old task details (in the result display) and new task details (task list panel).

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## Command Summary

* Help: `help`

* Add: **`add`**`FLOATING TASK NAME`<br>
**`add`**`TASK NAME by END_TIME END_DATE`<br> 
e.g. **`add`**`Do CS2103 Pretut`<br>
e.g. **`add`**`Do CS2103 Pretut by 8am 01-Oct-2016`<br>
e.g. **`add`**`CS2103 Tutorial from 8am today to 9am tomorrow at NUS COM1-B103`

* List: `list`

* Find: **`find`**`KEYWORD`<br>
e.g. **`find`**`CS2103`

* Delete: **`delete`**`[INDEX]`<br>
e.g. **`delete`**`1`

* Clear: `clear`

* Edit: **`edit`**`[INDEX] [EVENT_NAME][from START_TIME_DATE to END_TIME_DATE][at LOCATION]`<br>
e.g. **`edit`**`1 Must Do CS2103 Pretut`<br>
e.g. **`edit`**`2 at NUS COM1-B103`<br>
e.g. **`edit`**`1 from 8am 11-Oct-2016 to 9am 11-Oct-2016`

* Replace: **`replace`**`[INDEX] EVENT_NAME from START_TIME_DATE to END_TIME_DATE at LOCATION`<br>
e.g. **`replace`**`2 new task name from 8am 10-Oct-2016 to 9am 10-Oct-2016 at NUS`<br>

* Undo: `undo`

* Mark: **`mark`**`[INDEX]`<br>
e.g. **`mark`**`1`

* Unmark: **`unmark`**`[INDEX]`<br>
e.g. **`unmark`**`1`

* Recur: **`recur`**`[INDEX] every INTERVAL until END_DATE`<br>
e.g. **`recur`**`every 2 days until 19-Oct-2016`

* Setpath: **`setpath`**`FILENAME`<br>
e.g. **`setpath`**`taskData.xml`

* Select: **`select`**`INDEX`<br>
e.g. **`select`**`1`

* Tag: **`tag`**`[INDEX] TAG_NAME...`<br>
e.g. **`tag`**`1 project priority`

* Export: **`export`**`FILENAME`<br>
e.g. **`export`**`taskData.xml`

* Import: **`import`**`FILENAME`<br>
e.g. **`import`**`taskData.xml`

* Exit: `exit`

* <kbd>Up</kbd> <kbd>Down</kbd>: system display and select previously keyed commands

* ColorCode: system indicate overdue(red) and completed(green) task by color code

* Save: system save automatically

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